Thank you for visiting our Service Extras for 1st September - Do scroll down for information and announcements related to our church family.

Last Sunday we gathered to worship and share communion together as we reminded ourselves of the unity we share in Jesus.

Click the video to join us …

This incoming week we are taking time as a church family to commit the year ahead to God. We will be giving thanks for His faithfulness and goodness to us in the past year and praying that he would continue to lead us and be in the midst of all that we do. You would be so welcome to join us on Wednesday evening and join us in prayer sometime on Tuesday.

Click HERE for the latest version of

‘One Voice in Prayer’

If you haven’t done so already why not sign up to the daily readings from TIDES or the weekly prayer points.

Let's Pray is a weekly email resource, providing prayer topics and requests for the coming week running from Sunday to Saturday. It features prayers and requests concerning all aspects of the life and work of the Church, with a major emphasis on Global Mission and Mission in Ireland.

Visit HERE to find this week’s prayer resource and to sign up for the weekly email.

Tides is a simple resource to help you develop a regular rhythm of bible reading.

Visit HERE to sign up for a daily email.

Our Youth and Children’s ministries include BB, GB, Impact Youth and our Sunday morning Kingdom Kids and YPOD. To find out more visit our Youth and Children’s page by clicking HERE.

If you would like at any time to speak to Peter our minister don’t hesitate to contact him. He would be delighted to hear from you. /

07795 694499