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Thursday 29th August 2024

Dear all,

We are excited to be getting back to Boys Brigade and the start of a new session.

We run two primary school age groups (see below) and find this works well for both the boys and the leaders.

We are returning on Wednesday 18th September 2024

The timings are as follows …

Anchor Boys (P1 to P4)         

6.30pm to 7.10pm

Junior Section (P5 to P7)      

 7.15pm to 8pm


I would really appreciate it if you would notify us of your intention to send your boy to Boys Brigade beginning on Wednesday 18th September.

If you could do this by Monday 16th September by contacting Peter by text / whatsapp or email (see above) with your sons name and class in primary school. This helps us make final plans and preparations. (Don’t worry if you are reading this after the 16th Sept! When you know your son will be joining us just let me know - many thanks)

At the start of every session we have to collect the appropriate consent forms – thank you in advance for your help with this important task.

Click HERE to download BBNI Annual Consent Form

If this could be completed online and emailed ( to me ahead of the first evening that would be greatly appreciated. If that is not possible then please bring it with you on the first night. Hard copies will also be available to be completed – thank you for your help.


We encourage the boys to wear the BB uniform which is …

grey school trousers, blue BB polo shirt,

red BB jumper (Anchor Boys - P1-4)

or blue BB jumper (Junior Section - P5-7). 

For the first couple of weeks as uniform is purchased etc the boys can wear their own clothes.

On the first evening there will be some sample jumpers so that you can try the sizes. Then you can order polo shirts and jumpers through the BB shop in Belfast. The link is below or you can visit the shop in person or order via phone / email.

You can download the catalogue here …


As we begin a new session of Boys Brigade we are acutely aware of the financial pressures that some families might be facing. Our fees are remaining the same as last year.

Fees for 2024 / 2025

£35 per boy for the year (£30 for a second boy & £25 for a third boy in a family).

We also do not want these fees to be a barrier to any boy joining BB. Fees can be paid in instalments or at a later date - please speak to me (Peter). The easiest way to make payment is via a bank transfer. Our bank details have CHANGED from last year. Please contact Peter (07795694499) to receive the necessary bank details.

You can still pay with cash by bringing the correct amount to BB on the opening evening.  

These fees are important both for our weekly activities but also to pay our annual fees to Boys Brigade NI which includes insurance..

Thank you for the time you have taken to read through this letter and for your help in completing the necessary paperwork.

If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with me and thank you again for your continued support to the Boys Brigade in Islandmagee.

God Bless 

Peter Bovill / 07795 694499