Good Friday

Read Mark 15:33-37

The longest night gives way to morning

as Jesus, beaten beyond recognition

and bleeding from head to toe,

staggers physically strengthless under

the weight of his own cross towards

the crucifixion site at Golgotha (Mark


Moments later Jesus, nails driven

through his wrists and feet, is raised up

on his cross. On one of the cruelest

means of torture mankind has ever

devised, the one labelled the King of

the Jews (Mark 15:26) is in agony.

His crucifixion is a very public

spectacle. The same crowd who had

been whipped into a "crucify him"

frenzy by the religious leaders merely

minutes before have now gathered

around Jesus to continue their


One of the thieves crucified alongside

Jesus joins in with the crowd as they

insult and mock him for his inability to

save himself. They do not realise that if

this King saves himself their only hope

for salvation is lost. The other thief,

however, sees Jesus for who he really

is and receives the gift of life when he

asks the Messiah to remember him

(Luke 23:39-43). Salvation is coming.

As the clock strikes midday, the skies

above the land turn dark (Mark 15:33).

Jesus, the Son of God is embracing

the full wrath of his Father so that we

might taste eternal life. He has become

sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21), crying

out in a loud voice of isolation, "My

God, my God, why have you forsaken

me?" (Mark 15:34, Psalm 22:1). It is

the single greatest display of love and

surrendered obedience the world has

ever seen and will ever see.

Shortly after, having drained the cup

he prayed would pass him by, and

having experienced the full curse of

sin, Jesus wilfully gives up his life in

three words that inextricably weave our

past, present and future together and

still echo into eternity to this day:

"It is finished" (John 19:30).

As Jesus commits his spirit into the

hands of his Father and dies (Luke

23:46), the temple curtain is torn from

top to bottom (Mark 15:38). What once

separated us from God's holy

presence is forever gone, overcome by

grace. For on this, the darkest day in

history, our Saviour has made a way

back to the Father for all humanity as

he restored on the cross the mess sin

unravelled in the garden. "Surely this

man was (and is) the Son of God!"

(Mark 15:39).

Salvation has come. Salvation is here!