Pray as you begin …
Dear Jesus, help me to see you more clearly. Amen
Jesus clears the temple.
Read Luke 19:45 - 20:47 (Click HERE to read online)
Thought: Being one degree off course makes a difference. If you were one degree off course heading to the moon you would miss by 4,169 miles! The change in Jewish Temple practices probably did not happen overnight but one degree shifts over time potentially led to the temple becoming a ‘den of thieves’. In our lives how might we have taken 1 degree shifts away from walking by the Spirit. Take time to consider your walk with Jesus and how you can ‘keep in step with the Spirit’ (Galatians 5:16-26)
Points for prayer:
· Read Psalm 145:8-13 and give thanks for God’s grace and mercy.
· Pause and ask God to draw to your mind the words, thoughts and actions of these past days that you need to confess.
· Take time to individually confess those things you are reminded of.
· Give thanks for Jesus and the forgiveness that we find at the cross. Read Psalm 103:8, 10-14