Thank you for visiting our Service Extras for Sunday 13th November.

Do scroll down for information and announcements related to our church family. Don’t forget to make your way to the bottom for some songs that I hope might encourage you today …

Over these last weeks as we have journeyed through our series ‘Love your Church’ we have spoken often of being a family. This means we also face sadness together and we give thanks together. Today we do both those things as we hear about the death of Rev David Chapman earlier today - Tuesday 15th November.

We remember Ruth and the family circle as they mourn David’s death along with many within our church family and local community who knew David.

We give thanks for David’s faith and hope in Jesus, that he is now with his Lord and Saviour and for his ministry here in Islandmagee for 30 years. We remember him as a faithful shepherd of God’s people. We assure Ruth of our prayers and sympathy and pray that she might know God’s peace and presence. We don’t yet have any details concerning funeral arrangements but will communicate them as soon as possible.

Click below to join us for our service from last Sunday.

If you have not already done so and would like to continue your connection with and involvement in our church family of Islandmagee Presbyterian Church, please do access the information below or reply using the letter you received.

The date of Wed 16th November is to allow us to process the information, HOWEVER it is never too late to join our church family. Thank you.

You may have received a letter in the post (click HERE to read an online version.)

If you have had a connection with our congregations in the past or would like to have a connection please click HERE and fill out our joining and contact form.

Thank you for your help.

We are really looking forward to Messy Christmas and an opportunity as a church family and local community to prepare for Christmas together.

Our prayer is that this event would give us the opportunity as a church family to enjoy time together but also welcome our local community.

What is vital to this event running is YOU.

We are looking for help and for you to get involved in lots of different ways.

From greeting, to serving refreshments, to decorating the hall, to helping with the seasonal craft. There is a role for everyone.

Please consider getting in touch with Katherine or signing up on the sheet in the vestibule.

Thank you.

Click HERE for the latest version of ‘One Voice in Prayer’

If you haven’t done so already why not sign up to the daily readings from TIDES or the weekly prayer points.

Tides is a simple resource to help you develop a regular rhythm of bible reading.

Visit HERE to sign up for a daily email.

Let's Pray is a weekly email resource, providing prayer topics and requests for the coming week running from Sunday to Saturday. It features prayers and requests concerning all aspects of the life and work of the Church, with a major emphasis on Global Mission and Mission in Ireland.

Visit HERE to find this week’s prayer resource and to sign up for the weekly email.

Below are a couple of songs to encourage you to reflect on the themes for our service on Sunday.