Thank you for visiting our Service Extras for Sunday 8th January

Do scroll down for information and announcements related to our church family.

On Sunday we are looking forward to beginning a new series in the book of Genesis that will take us on a journey from Creation to Chaos.

We would love you to join us on Sunday morning.

Why not take time to prepare by reading Genesis 1:1-19 and Hebrews 11:1-3.

Scroll down and listen to some of the songs that we will be singing together.

If you missed our service last week you would be really welcome to click the image below

and join us for our communion service.

The PW enjoyed welcoming back David Templeton on Wednesday. After enjoying a soup and sandwich lunch David shared about his work with ‘Safe Families’. To hear more about what David shared and the work of Safe Families click HERE.

If you have not already done so and would like to continue your connection with and involvement in our church family of Islandmagee Presbyterian Church, please do access the information below or reply using the letter you received.

There is no deadline date for this but we would really encourage you to do this as soon as possible so we can process the information ahead of the New Year. Thank you.

You may have received a letter in the post (click HERE to read an online version.)

If you have had a connection with our congregations in the past or would like to have a connection please click HERE and fill out our joining and contact form.

Click HERE for the latest version of ‘One Voice in Prayer’

The Presbyterian Herald is the official magazine of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. It provides a forum for debate and discussion on a wide range of topics and aims to educate, inform and inspire Presbyterians and the general public.

The Herald contains news items, reflection pieces and articles from a wide range of sources.

You can find a free sample by clicking HERE.

If you would be interested in signing up to receive the magazine please speak to Jeannie Irvine.

Click HERE to find out how you can receive it online.

The World Development Appeal is an annual initiative of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland that focuses on helping people trapped in poverty. It endeavours to change lives and communities for the better by channeling resources in support of sustainable development projects in every continent. This work is taken forward through PCI’s development partners, Christian Aid and Tearfund.

Find out more about the appeal by reading the article in our Christmas Magazine of by watching the video beside.

Envelopes will be available in the vestibule throughout the Christmas season if you would like to give. Thank you.

If you haven’t done so already why not sign up to the daily readings from TIDES or the weekly prayer points.

Tides is a simple resource to help you develop a regular rhythm of bible reading.

Visit HERE to sign up for a daily email.

Let's Pray is a weekly email resource, providing prayer topics and requests for the coming week running from Sunday to Saturday. It features prayers and requests concerning all aspects of the life and work of the Church, with a major emphasis on Global Mission and Mission in Ireland.

Visit HERE to find this week’s prayer resource and to sign up for the weekly email.